A quick catch up

Hi guys! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve updated my blog, but trust me I am thinking about it everyday and always have potential posts running around in my head, but there always seems to be something that stops me from sharing it all here. I don’t know why, pure procrastination I’m sure is to blame. Does anyone else get that?

Anyway, I’m here and typing a random post as I just wanted to check in with you all.

I took off the date stamps of my posts, but I’m thinking I will add them back in. I like to see when my last post was which helps me personally on tracking how lacks I’ve been with blogging lol. I also thinks it helps when looking back at past posts to know when in time they were posted as some things will be specifically relevant to that month/year.

So whats new! It’s really warmed up here in Spain. Summer really feels like it’s just around the corner. I love the temps we’re having at the moment in the low to mid 20’s, just need the night time temperatures to get a smidgen warmer so the pool can really start heating up haha, first world problems I know. I think we may put the pool heater on at the weekend as we are itching to get swimming again.

I popped over to the UK last week to spend some time with Mark and get my UK fix. The weather was gorgeous! I really hope the sun stays for a while, the UK really is beautiful when the sun is shining and everyone is always so happy!

So back here in Spain I’ve mainly been working in the garden, not too many big projects going on at the moment, just trying to maintain whats here and trying to making the plants grow. A couple of our trees looks like they’re dying which is sad. The soil where we are is really bad and plants do struggle quite a lot here. The pine trees have been dropping a lot of needles which is an endless job for me raking and bagging up the pine needles.

But I’m not complaining as gardening really is a new love of mine. Between you and me I really haven’t got a clue what I’m doing, but I enjoy it and that’s the main thing!

The house is still crazy with our fur-gang. One of our outdoor cats, Mrs Pickles, had a trip to the vets on Monday. She has ulcers on her tongue and in her mouth and also inflamed gums. She had an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory injections which has really helped. She’s back eating and I’ve been brushing her loads as she has long fur and it gets quite knotted bless her, and with the bad gums she stopped cleaning herself. I need to clarify with the vet about her future quality of life, as he said it’s chronic what she has and something they can’t cure, only help. Which is sad. But if she has to have injections every couple of months that’s what we’ll do.

I think that’s all that’s been going on, I’m sure I have been doing more, but as I said I really need to start coming on here a lot more regularly, I actually enjoy it so I don’t know why I don’t.

As always follow along on my Instagram as I do post a little bit more frequently on there then here, I’m not gonna lie I am still trying to find where my love for insta has gone haha, but you will see a few things popping up over there!

Anyway, Happy hump day! Enjoy the rest of your week and I will (hopefully lol) be back next week with another post!

Please show this some love to give me a little bit of a push haha.

Ciao for now!


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